Work with Trena Bolden Fields

Certified Life Coach, Educational and Counseling Psychologist, Writer and Author, Strategic Partner, Publisher, Your Path to Success Coach

Book Your Freedom Call

Gain Clarity

Gain clarity on what you are here to do.

Create Your Vision

Create and activate your vision and next steps.

Generate More Income

Create moreĀ income.

The ability to allow a person to BE, yes, just be is not taught in our schools. It is something danced around by dehumanizing language, either shot at us by someone else, and/or said to the reflection in the mirror. Trena allowed me to just BE. Through that guided, insightful, pointed, loving support, Trena showed me my self worth, that my time is priceless, that I have amazing ideas and love to share with the world, and that I am worthy of living my purpose. I look forward to sharing my growth with those I am fortunate to have come into my life through my work that Trena has helped me to craft. Thank you for bringing the magic back to my life.

ā€‹~Matthew Reynolds, Consultant

Trena’s coaching changed my life. She helped me get to a whole other phase of my life that I would not have accessed without her coaching. Trena helps point you to the issues you need to address; she helps you clarify and focus on what is important; she helps you to embrace what you need to, and she helps you pull out an action plan and establish the accountability with her that you deem necessary. This is what Trena did for me. The beauty of her coaching is that it will be different for every person. She pulls at the answers already inside of you. Trena got me to a whole other phase of my life, after seeing her for 6 months. I did not come to Trena trying to necessarily “get” anywhere. In fact, I was skeptical. I felt comfortable with my life and saw no way in which she could help me. But my first session I cried like a baby. She helped me to see an area of my life that was screaming for attention: relationships. Our next coaching sessions were all about how I could bring the kind of relationships I wanted in my life closer to me. Trena helped me embrace my love and passion to teach and work creatively with young people, and we just kept going. I developed a whole identity as a teaching artist that I could not without Trena, and that has broadened. Trena helped me to plant the seeds for a whole new turn in my life that keeps growing. I am increasingly finding challenge and satisfaction in my life and love, and much of it I owe to Trena. -–Alanna

Book Your Call

Ready for the next step? Schedule your freedom call with Trena today!

Trena is simply amazing! I was struggling to find clarity and direction while sorting through myriad career opportunities when I reached out to Trena for help.Knowing that we shared some of the same training, background, career interests, and work/life dynamics; and knowing that Trena has a broad skill set combined with rigorous education and global experience, I was certain she would have unique insights. But most of all, I knew Trena to be a gifted listener, synthesizer, and advocate. In an astonishingly quick fashion during our first session, she was able to cut right to the heart of who I am, identify my strengths and values, and reflect those back to me. Not only that, but with laser-like focus she was able to suggest a path forward through all of the options swirling around me. I couldn’t believe so much could come out of just one session! I’ve been coaching with her as needed since then, and singing her praises to everyone I work with. Her compassion and generosity of spirit make her an invaluable friend and colleague, and I would highly recommend her services. --Stephanie Lein Walseth, Ph.D

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